Friday, May 18, 2012

"Puss in Boots" Review

I Find Kitties Funny...

... so I thought that I would love Puss in Boots. I'll be honest, the trailer induced cramping laughter among myself and those around me. It was the way Puss lapped up his whiskey-glass of milk and interrupted his distinguished stance in order to chase the little ray of light around the room. I couldn't find the right time to see it in theaters (and I'm also pretty broke) so I waited for trusty old RedBox. I was freaking psyched.

Puss in Boots
Starring: Antonio Banderas, Selma Hayek
Directed by Chris Miller
Recommendation: save it for the kiddies 
Now, I know this is a kids movie. It's a prequel to a sequel, so what exactly was I expecting? Just about the same amount of charm and wit that Antonio Bandares brought to both Shrek sequels and Spy Kids. It was Zorro but as a cat with boots on! That's adorable.

My expectations ran too high. The first 45 minutes of the film were filled with funny: including a dance off between two kitties with other kitties playing instruments. It was cute and we all liked it. But the film took a turn from silly to serious action that was almost shocking. The humor slowly sidled away and left me rather bewildered. What happened to my kitty comedy???

That sad, I'm sure kids are going to like this movie, because they like talking animals. The parents will get a few laughs, but since it's out on DVD now, I say let this film do the babysitting.

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