Monday, December 3, 2012

Throwback Shit: "Duel"

Duel is a gripping tale of a car chase in which an innocent businessman, a commuter evidently, becomes terrorized by an anonymous assailant who is after one thing: blood shed. A psychological thriller reminiscent of several Twilight Zone episodes, Steven Spielberg's first feature-length film sets the standard for all of his later works. It's a humble film, little more than a goober of a man in a car and an unseen driver in a rusty truck. However, the angles and cuts that Spielberg chooses proves his ingenuity. The way each frame becomes tighter and tighter provokes the viewer's anxiety, leaving him on the edge of what feels to be their own driver's seat. And that arid desert setting is dismally isolating.
Starring Dennis Weaver
Directed by Steven Spielberg
My Opinon: Gripping.

The movie barely moves outside of the car, but it doesn't need to venture further. Inside the automobile, we're stuck in this claustrophobic cell that feels so doomed, yet we never quite give up hope.

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