Cinema Minima is a monthly event during which films are screened by local guest curators at Logan Square's Cole's Bar. Yesterday I had the pleasure of curating a program with an organization I work for, The Cinema Culture.
I organized the line-up around a theme of death and grotesquery: a celebration of October, which is my favorite month of the year. The program was diverse, with films arriving from three separate continents. The playlist was as follows:
Sink Hole
A man is seduced by a sultry kitchen appliance. Directed by Greg Hanson. Greth Productions 2012. America.
A man is seduced by a sultry kitchen appliance. Directed by Greg Hanson. Greth Productions 2012. America.
A nightmarish glimpse into the trials of a circus performer and her downfall. Directed by Kevin Lonano. !Robot Hand! Productions 2011. America.
A nightmarish glimpse into the trials of a circus performer and her downfall. Directed by Kevin Lonano. !Robot Hand! Productions 2011. America.
Zombin Laden: The Axis of Evil Dead
A pseudo-theatrical trailer for a zombie thriller in which Osama bin Laden returns from the dead to declare jihad.
Directed by Clément Deneux. 2011. France.
The Killing Joke
A young woman's curiosity overpowers her when she finds a red balloon tied to a little box on an eery derelict street. Classic elements of suspense tell this thrilling, action packed tale.
Directed by Sebastian Lopez. Ioioma Films 2011. Argentina.
A pseudo-theatrical trailer for a zombie thriller in which Osama bin Laden returns from the dead to declare jihad.
Directed by Clément Deneux. 2011. France.
The Killing Joke
A young woman's curiosity overpowers her when she finds a red balloon tied to a little box on an eery derelict street. Classic elements of suspense tell this thrilling, action packed tale.
Directed by Sebastian Lopez. Ioioma Films 2011. Argentina.
Dumb Dumbs
Three young girls are vanquished by sweet temptations in a colorful but grotesquely disturbing underworld.
Directed by Greg Hanson. Greth Productions 2012. America.
Three young girls are vanquished by sweet temptations in a colorful but grotesquely disturbing underworld.
Directed by Greg Hanson. Greth Productions 2012. America.
A young married woman clings to love among the impending loss of her missionary husband and their unborn child. A grueling tale set in pre-war 1940's America.
Directed by Drew Tobia. Mommy Kamikaze Secretions 2009. America
A young married woman clings to love among the impending loss of her missionary husband and their unborn child. A grueling tale set in pre-war 1940's America.
Directed by Drew Tobia. Mommy Kamikaze Secretions 2009. America
Thy Kill Be Done
When the Monsignor priest of an inner city church is killed by a gang of hoodlums and their drug lord leader, the nuns in the church's clergy vow bloody revenge.
Directed by Greg Hanson & Casey Regan. Greth Productions 2011. America.
When the Monsignor priest of an inner city church is killed by a gang of hoodlums and their drug lord leader, the nuns in the church's clergy vow bloody revenge.
Directed by Greg Hanson & Casey Regan. Greth Productions 2011. America.
Death of a Pigeon
New York City through the eyes of a dead pigeon Directed by Burns Luciano. 537 Films 2012. America.
New York City through the eyes of a dead pigeon Directed by Burns Luciano. 537 Films 2012. America.
I See A Light
A brief glimpse into the final moments of a lifetime. Directed by Aaron Zeghers. 2011. America.
A brief glimpse into the final moments of a lifetime. Directed by Aaron Zeghers. 2011. America.
Prayers of Death
Documentary meets horror when the cameras shrink to the size of the mantis's prey. This film is an exploration into the micro-world just beneath the surface of our human experience. Directed by Ben Nissen. 2011. America.
Documentary meets horror when the cameras shrink to the size of the mantis's prey. This film is an exploration into the micro-world just beneath the surface of our human experience. Directed by Ben Nissen. 2011. America.
Death Rattle
A hauntingly beautiful tribute to the masters of bone-chilling horror. A mash-up of classics set to eery house beats.
Directed by Nick Bedidt. 2010. America.
The films were offensively appropriate and the turnout was plentiful. We even ran out of chairs, and several viewers stood the lengthy two hours, beers in hand. Every film was followed by applause and some even garnered cheers. The program started about a half hour late and ran to almost eleven. The order was a bit off: a welcome and introduction occurred after the first film, "Thy Kill Be Done". Given the chance to do it again, I would put the introductions and pseudo-trailer for "Zombin Laden" first. Aside from that, the audience really responded to the array of offensive images and beautiful camera work. The only misstep was likely the techno-classic-horror mash-up "Death Rattle" which ran about 15 minutes too long. Those are the critiques I have about my own program, but you live and learn.
Overall, I think this program was an excellant initiation both for the Autumn month and for my role as a co-curator. It may have been a little early for a Halloween themed show, but who cares? People came for the movies.
A hauntingly beautiful tribute to the masters of bone-chilling horror. A mash-up of classics set to eery house beats.
Directed by Nick Bedidt. 2010. America.
The films were offensively appropriate and the turnout was plentiful. We even ran out of chairs, and several viewers stood the lengthy two hours, beers in hand. Every film was followed by applause and some even garnered cheers. The program started about a half hour late and ran to almost eleven. The order was a bit off: a welcome and introduction occurred after the first film, "Thy Kill Be Done". Given the chance to do it again, I would put the introductions and pseudo-trailer for "Zombin Laden" first. Aside from that, the audience really responded to the array of offensive images and beautiful camera work. The only misstep was likely the techno-classic-horror mash-up "Death Rattle" which ran about 15 minutes too long. Those are the critiques I have about my own program, but you live and learn.
Overall, I think this program was an excellant initiation both for the Autumn month and for my role as a co-curator. It may have been a little early for a Halloween themed show, but who cares? People came for the movies.