Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Review of "Abraham Lincoln Vs. Zombies"

The Asylum production company brings us this appetizer for the much anticipated Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter set to release June 22.  The Asylum specializes in these off-kilter thrillers. Their filmography includes much loved knock-offs including 2-Headed Shark Attack and Titanic II. Naturally, you should pick up one of these films with lower expectations than a Troma film. I mean, at least Troma has some actual classics like Class of Nuke 'em High, Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead, and of course, The Toxic Avenger. What does The Asylum have? Brooke Hogan, the crusty skid mark of Hollywood, killing a two headed shark? Yeah, I'm still intrigued.

Abraham Lincoln Vs Zombies
Starring: David Alexander, Raed Ali, Bernie Ask
Directed by Richard Schenkman
My Opinion: Like drinking bad vodka,
it's a good time, but you may not remember
 it the next day
So anyway, this film looked fantastic and, to my surprise, it wasn't half-bad. The plot gets really stale towards the end, but as long as you don't pay too close attention, you won't taste it. Indeed, this is a film for those of us who can enjoy paying half our attention spans to a film, but when you have the right mindset, then this is certainly worth the watch. There are plenty of zombies, authoritative presidential speeches and headless blood fountains to keep the viewer watching, or at least in front of the screen. The ridiculous script and plentitude of production oopses are rendered lovable by the comic relief. Yes, almost everyone has a different accent, but it's laughable not cringe-worthy. Personally, I found David Alexander's performance reliable and clean.

In conclusion, this is not The Toxic Avenger, but it has a similar feel. Some extra ridiculousness wouldn't hurt, but I was impressed.

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